Library opening hours

  • MondayClosed
  • tuesday8:00AM - 6:00PM
  • wednesday10:00AM - 8:00PM
  • thursday8:00AM - 6:00PM
  • friday8:00AM - 5:00PM
  • saturday10:00AM - 2:00PM
  • sundayClosed


February Calendar
Toddler Storytime
Care Giver Support Group
Therapy Dog Story Time
Nutrition Class
March Calendar
Dr. Suess Birthday Party
Library Book Club
Toddler Story Time Friday's in March
Therapy Dog Story Time
Care Giver Support Group
Wild Friends Storytime

Ord 2014-24 - Repealing 03-70 - Library Board
This Board shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
  • Cooperate with governmental agencies and civic groups in the advancement of the Town’s library service;
  • Make recommendations to the Director concerning the adoption and enforcement of all rules, regulations, and ordinances deemed necessary for the proper administration of the public library;
  • Make recommendations to the Director relating to the enlargement, expansion, or rebuilding of the library;
  • Review and provide input on the annual departmental budget proposed by the Director before submission to the City Manager;
  • Generally inform the public regarding the policies, programs and services of the library; and Review the utility and appeal of the library.
August 9 2011 Board Handbook Revised Doc
Town of Laguna Vista Library Advisory Board Members
Patti Bradley
Laurie Magee
Nicole Ekstrom
Olga Papp
Stacey Capps
For copies of the Library Board's latest Minutes and Agendas - please click HERE

The Friends of the Laguna Vista Library is a registered, nonprofit organization of volunteer members dedicated to providing support to the public library. 

The mission of the Friends of the Laguna Vista Library is to support the Laguna Vista Public Library in its effort to provide access to information for lifelong learning.

The Friends organization is independent of the City of Laguna Vista.

bar code

Membership Advantages:

  • Extended DVD check out for 5 days
  • Free Inter-library loans up to 3 per year
  • FOL Annual Newsletter

Friends of the Library Membership Application

Friends of the Library By-Laws

Friends of Library Board of Directors
Email Us

Johvonne Howard 

Teresa Bryant

Stacey Capps


Emily Galvan

Alexia Perez

Angie Westbrook

Melissa Moore

Patti Bradley


Laguna Vista Public Library endeavors to develop collections, resources and services to meet the cultural, informational, recreational, and educational needs and enhance and increase the personal productivity of the members of the diverse community.

From a one room Public Library, about the size of a dorm room, to a beautiful freestanding building with a view of the bay, the Laguna Vista Public Library is the one attraction that a small town has to offer. Not nearly a few years in the new building, no one can imagine how the residents of Laguna Vista managed in the small room for so many years. The building is slowly filling with wall-to-wall books and computers for everyone to use. The voices of parents reading to their children fill the air and the hominess of the furnishings appeals to every person that walks through the double glass doors.

Like all other public libraries, Laguna Vista has the honor of hosting the cocoon of so many children's imaginations through materials and technology. The demand for learning is stronger now then ever and the Laguna Vista Public Library is here to help all those Children's Dreams come true


We endeavor to develop collections, resources and services to meet the cultural, informational, recreational, and educational needs of our diverse community.

If there is something missing that you'd like to see, please contact us and let us know how we can better serve you.


Our Library wouldn't be what it is today if not for the heartfelt support of the volunteer's. If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the Volunteer Application and email us

Meet your Librarians

Marti Etheridge

Marti Etheridge,
Assistant Library Director

Elizabeth Baldwin

Elizabeth Baldwin,
Library Director