Norma Barbosa
Your City Secretary
The City Secretary is appointed by the Town Council and holds office until removed by the Town Council.
The regular meetings of the Laguna Vista Town Council are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in Town Hall, located at 122 Fernandez, Laguna Vista, Texas.
The City Secretary attends every meeting of the Town Council and keeps accurate minutes of the proceedings thereof on a book to be provided for that purpose and engrosses and enrolls all laws, resolutions, and ordinances adopted by the Town Council, keeps the corporate seal, takes charge of and preserves all books records, papers, documents and files of the Council, thereby serving as the Town's Records Management Officer; administers oaths, countersigns and attests contracts, and other legal instruments when executed by the authorized officers of the Town; serves as the election official for all Town elections.
The City Secretary also serves as the recording secretary for the following boards and committees:
- Board of Ethics
- Board of Adjustments
- Parks and Recreation Board
- Planning and Zoning Commission
- Community Development Corporation (CDC)
All Public Information Requests are submitted to the City Secretary and processed according to the requirements of the Texas Public Information Act.
Proclamations and awards of special recognition to citizens/individuals/dignitaries are processed and prepared through the City Secretary's office.
Request for Public Information
Please click the link below to download the information request for public information document to request public information from the Town of Laguna Vista. Once completed, please
email to or drop off in the black mailbox in the front of City Hall.
Request for
Public Information Form
014 Public Information
Act Handbook
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
City Secretary Town of Laguna Vista122 Fernandez Laguna Vista, Texas.
78586 (956) 943-1793,
(fax) Ext. 101(956) 943-3111