Roloff Park

Roloff Park was established in 1971 when long time residents Richard and Marion Roloff donated the acreage to the City of Laguna Vista to create a park and local marina. Over the years the City of Laguna Vista has made many efforts to make the park into what it is today and is continuing to improve it with every administration, demonstrating how important the park is to this community.
This park is also where the city hosts all of their annual City holiday events that all include music, games, food vendors and more!
In 2011 a $1 million-dollar major renovation was done using the 2011 Certificate of Obligation funds. This is when we established a covered basketball court, new playground equipment, two pavilions, jogging / walking trail, the exercise equipment, an irrigation system, new signage and resurfaced the parking lot for City Hall.
In 2024 the Town of Laguna Vista Mayor and Town Council was awarded a small cities grant from Texas Parks and Wildlife for a much-needed park improvement project. This award is for $150,000 with the City matching funds of $150,000. (Phase I)
In April 2024 the Town of Laguna Vista will be submitting an additional grant for $500,000 worth of improvements. (Phase II)

Both grants will allow for an $800,000 park improvement project all for $150,000!
See the site concepts below for each phase of the project!
Exciting things are coming to Laguna Vista Roloff Park, and we can’t wait to see you around!
Residents wanting to use Roloff Park for birthday parties and/or family events can apply for a Special Use Permit.
For a full list of park rules and regulations please see Ordinance 2014-30
Veterans Park
In 2004 (via Resolution Number 2004-08) the Board of Aldermen renamed the Taylor Park located at Taylor Ave. and FM 510 to the “Laguna Vista Veteran’s Park”.
This memorial was created by the Town of Laguna Vista to honor those men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice during World Wars I and II, the Korean war, the Viet Nam war, the Iraq war, and the Afghanistan conflicts, those missing in action, and those who will sacrifice in future conflicts.
The Veterans Memorial is dedicated to honor those who died, are missing in action or will sacrifice in future conflicts and therefore shall be respected and used for this purpose thus intended as a non-public forum to provide a respectful and solemn memorial.
The park also includes engraved brick pavers of any local fallen soldiers. If you would like to personalize a brick for your loved one, please submit the form request.
The city was donated and have on display US Navy Bollards from:
- USS Ranger (CV-61) that was built in the Newport News Shipyard and commissioned in 1959. She would be a workhorse of the Vietnam War, earning 13 battle stars, and again see action in Desert Storm. The Ranger was also used in the filming of Top Gun, Star Trek IV, and Flight of the Intruder before decommissioning in 1993.
- USS Independence (CV-62) that was built in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Independence was commissioned in 1959. She gained early prominence for her role in enforcing the naval quarantine during the Cuban Missile Crisis. After further deployments in support operations in Vietnam and Dessert Storm, Independence was forward deployed to Yokosuka. She would make Japan her home until decommissioned in 1998.
- USS Constellation (CV-64) that was given the honorific “American Flagship” by President Reagan, she was known as “Connie” to all who served on her. Built in the Brooklyn Navy Yard and commissioned in 1961, she completed multiple tours in support of operations in Vietnam, as well as numerous peacetime deployments. On her 21st and final deployment, the Constellation participated in the opening salvos of Operation Iraqi Freedom before returning to be decommissioned in 2003.
For a full set of guidelines regarding the Laguna Vista Veterans Park, please see Ordinance Number 2013-04.